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TIPS: Events For New Products
Tips Mary Oladapo Tips Mary Oladapo

TIPS: Events For New Products

5 Benefits of having a product launch event

If you want to generate some exposure, hype and engagement for a new product or new business then a launch event is a great way to achieve that. Here are five benefits of having a product launch event…

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WORK: Book Launch @ The Grubstreet Author
Work Mary Oladapo Work Mary Oladapo

WORK: Book Launch @ The Grubstreet Author

MOLA Luxe’s full event management service helps Gillian McMichael launch her new book in London

Following on from the success of her Edinburgh book launch, which MOLA Luxe also managed, Wellness expert and coach Gillian McMichael enlisted our help to host another book launch event in London…

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